The Quix Network is not a franchise, but a network of plumbers collectively working together to support each other in building businesses that prepare all involved for the future. We understand every business is different, our network caters for this. We create a vehicle for you to build your business to a certain level and subsequently enable you to train someone within the business to continue it to the next level.
The average age of a plumber running a business in New Zealand is 55 to 75 years old. In the near future, this is going to create a real issue in the industry – a shortage of leadership as the current skills and knowledge aren’t transitioned well to the next generation of plumbers. The Quix Network is here to help solve this problem. By joining the network, we work together to ensure that we have a succession plan in place for future generations of plumbers.
The Quix Network is a network of plumbers collectively working together. We create a culture that is appealing – where people feel valued; providing a career and a lifestyle.
We understand every business is different, our network caters for this. We create a vehicle for you to build your business to a certain level and subsequently enable you to train someone within the business to continue it to the next level.
There are various options to integrate into the network whilst still maintaining your brand.
Quix provides you with the opportunity to participate in a nationally branded organisation. You maintain day to day control of your current business – and enjoy returns generated from an expanded nation-wide market.
Membership in the Quix network provides existing businesses with greater access to business referrals and national clients – as well as access to accredited service providers and other ‘best in class’ craftsmen plumbers.
Quix members are all provided with operation manuals, including the Best Practice Code of Ethics and HSE Employment Manual and Templates. A cutting-edge information system is used to support Quix operations, and front office support is provided by the team on the line at 0800 QUIX NZ.
After building up a successful plumbing business, many owners find it difficult to realise good value for the reputation they’ve achieved. Finding a successor or a purchaser is often a frustrating process. With Quix, the future growth and sale of your business is in safe hands. Together, we offer succession and exit alternatives that will help you realise true value for all of your hard work.